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Image by Manny Becerra

TBG Professional Development

Certifications and Memberships:

PTR - Professional Tennis Registry - Certified Professional 5a & Wheelchair Certified

USTA - United States Tennis Association - Past Vice President
GPTA - Georgia Professional Tennis Association - Past Vice President and Executive Director
USRSA - United States Racquet Stringers Association

NAYS - National Association for Youth Sports - Certified Coach Gold Level

ALTA - Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association


Awards & Publications:

2015 President's Award - Georgia Professional Tennis Association

2006 Professional of the Year nominee - USTA Georgia

2005 Independent Pro of the Year - Georgia Professional Tennis Association

2005 Georgia Member of the Year - Professional Tennis Registry

2004 Member of the Year - Georgia Professional Tennis Association

2005 Professional of the Year nominee - USTA Georgia

2015 President's Award - Georgia Professional Tennis Association

Net News - "Have a Plan", August 2004

Net News - "Doubles Communication", July 2005

Workshops and Seminars:

February 9-11, 2021 - Professional Tennis Registry Virtual Symposium

February 12-16, 2018 - Professional Tennis Registry Symposium, Hilton Head Island - workshops, oncourt and classroom activities

February 18-22, 2015 - Professional Tennis Registry Symposium, Hilton Head Island - a week of workshops, oncourt and classroom activities

October 25-26, 2008 - USTA Georgia Community Tennis Development Workshop, Atlanta, GA
August 30 - September 1, 2008 - USTA Semi Annual Conference, New York, NY
October 12-14, 2007 - USTA Georgia Community Tennis Development Workshop, Atlanta, GA
September 1-3, 2007 - USTA Semi Annual Conference, New York, NY
February 23-24, 2007 - USTA Georgia committee training, Atlanta, GA
February 10-11, 2007 - USTA Community Tennis Development Workshop, Atlanta, GA
October 13-15, 2006 - Georgia Tennis Association Community Tennis Development Workshop.  Panel Speaker and Drill Exchange facilitator
August 26-29, 2006 - USA Tennis Teachers Conference, New York

April 7, 2006 - Professional Tennis Registry Wheelchair Certification, Dunwoody, GA

October 14-16, 2005 - Georgia Tennis Association Community Tennis Development Workshop.  Panel Speaker and Drill Exchange facilitator

August 27-30, 2005 - USA Tennis Teachers Conference, New York

June 3, 2005 - Professional Tennis Registry Workshop, Competitive / Situational Drills, Atlanta GA

February 19-25, 2005 - Professional Tennis Registry Symposium, Hilton Head Island - a week of workshops, oncourt and classroom activities

February 4 - 6, 2005 - USTA Community tennis Development Workshop, Sandestin, FL

September 25, 2004 - PTR Play Action Drills, Hilton Head Island

September 24, 2004 - PTR Team Coaching, Hilton Head Island

September 24, 2004 - PTR Munchkin Games, Hilton Head Island

August 28-31, 2004 - USA Tennis Teachers Conference, New York

February 14-20, 2004 - Professional Tennis Registry Symposium, Hilton Head Island - a week of workshops, oncourt and classroom activities

August 23-26, 2003 - USA Tennis Teachers Conference, New York

February 15-21, 2003 - PTR Symposium, Hilton Head Island - a week of workshops, oncourt and classroom activities

February 19, 2003 - Beginner-Intermediate racquet Stringing Course, Hilton Head Island

February 18, 2003 - Performance Psychology Course, Hilton Head Island

February 16, 2003 - Successful Doubles Advanced Techniques Course, Hilton Head Island

February 15, 2003 - Successful Doubles Course, Hilton head Island

December 7-8, 2002 - Professional Tennis Registry Teaching Essentials Workshop

December 6, 2002 - USPTA Ga / PTR / GPTA Cooperative Tennis Pros & Coaches Workshop

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